Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Catman's Duck

The Catman's Duck
From: Man with a Cat

He reports that it's the simplest bird to roast:

1) hack duck in half.
B) wash, make slits in skin so the fat can get out, salt liberally.
3) put duck on a rack in a roasting pan in a 450 oven for 15 minutes, then turn down for the last 90-100 minutes at 325.
B.1) During the last half hour, glaze with with whatever is in your pantry that sounds like it will make a yummy glaze. Sundays was extra strong black tea, honey, orange rind and blackberry jam, slowly cooked down to a glaze.

Duxk is my favorite bird because it's all dark meat, the skin is amazingly tasty, and cut in half like that it's the perfect serving size.