Monday, January 5, 2009

Oriental Slaw Recipe II (Includes Link)

Oriental Slaw Recipe
From: gardentraveler

One of my friends brought this to a work potluck. I had a similar salad on New Year's Day, but it wasn't quite as crunchy. I'm afraid it's the margarine/butter, which makes the noodles and almonds crunchier. The salad is awesome.

2 16 oz packages shredded cabbage
10 green onions, sliced
2 pkg Ramen noodles (do not use seasoning packets)
1 Tbsp sesame seeds
1 pkg sliced almonds (2/3 cups)
1 stick margarine or butter

Mix cabbage and onions. Chill

Crunch noodles in package. Melt margarine in skillet. Add the noodles, sesame seeds and almonds. Brown. Drain on paper towels.


Beat together:
¾ cup oil
¾ cup sugar
½ c vinegar
2 Tbsp soy sauce

Toss with cabbage mixture about 20 minutes before serving. Add noodles mixture just before serving.

Shared by: gardentraveler

Top Ramen Cabbage Salad
Here's another write-up of the same recipe.

I saw another version that was made with broccoli slaw.

One of the recipes I found on the net says that the salad keeps in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. I would keep the nuts, seeds and noodles separate in this case and add them as you're eating the salad. Part of the charm is the crispy noodles and nuts.

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