Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lemon Cous Cous Cake

Lemon Cous Cous Cake
From: ScareyFaerie

4oz (113g) cous cous
2 eggs
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
1 level tablespoon lemon curd
½ tspn baking powder
1 pot of lemon and lime muller lite
4 tblspns sweetener

* Cover the cous cous with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
* Beat the eggs until pale and fluffy.
* Add all the ingredients into a microwaveable bowl and mix thoroughly.
* Microwave on high for 10 minutes
* Leave to cool and set.

Just for variety, I used two WeightWatchers yogurts instead - one was lemon and the other was lemon and lime. The Muller Lite pots are 200g and the WW ones are 120g each so I used almost a full pot of each WW variety. I've also experimented with this recipe by adding some ground ginger to the mixture and also substituting half the lemon curd with golden syrup. All good stuff!

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