Thursday, November 6, 2008

Eye of Round Roast

Eye of Round Roast
From: Mahna Mahna

As long as you cook them proper-like, they're also very very tasty. See, what you do is get the oven cranked up to 500F, and while it's heating up, pat the roast dry, put it on a rack over a roasting pan, season with lots of S&P and then slather generously with butter. Once the oven lets you know it's good and hot, pop the roast in there for 7 mins per lb and then turn off the oven... BUT (here's the tricky part, kiddies) don't touch that oven door, because now you have to let the roast sit in that oven for 2-2.5 hours. Don't touch that door. Don't open it even a teensy crack, even if the smell is causing the cats/dogs/husband to drool uncontrollably. Just. Leave. It. Alone.

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